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What is Reiki Shamanism?

 REIKI is a Japanese word that means "Divine Life Force Energy". It is an age old, hands on healing technique that was re-introduced to the world in the early 1900's by a Japanese monk named Dr. Mikao Usui.  Reiki is a spiritual practice whose origins are shamanic in nature.  

SHAMANISM is a direct path of knowledge and the most ancient of healing modalities dating back thousands of years. Still practiced in every culture around the world, it has survived the test of time simply because it works.  The word “shaman” translates from the Siberian word "saman", meaning "one who sees in the dark", as a shaman is able to 'journey' through the mind's eye to gather and retrieve information for healing purposes and insight based on what is NOT visible to the eye.

REIKI SHAMANISM Is an intentional practice of combining both modalities resulting in a powerful new tool for the healing toolbox. We are living in a shapeshifting world - one that is in need of a higher path. Are you feeling the ‘calling’ that asks us to do the same?  It is time to re-write the stories of our lives by cutting cords to the old worn out patterns thus leaving behind what no longer serves. In doing so, we let the Universe know we are ready to step up and activate our own “good medicine" reflections so we can bring these sacred gifts out into world. Things are not always what they seem, sometimes we just need to look deeper, beyond the veil of illusion.

As we evolve and continue to search for inspiration and healing, one needs only to look within.

By re-connecting with the natural world, we can sustain the hope of a future where our children can live in peace and harmony and enjoy a healthy life filled with joy and love. 

These are powerful times that we are living in. The Hopi elders say "WE are the ones we've been waiting for". Those of us doing this healing work both for ourselves and others, are not only clearing our own channels, but also clearing the channels of our ancestors and for our children as well. We are all born into this world with ancestral DNA or what I like to call "star dust cellular memory" and carry inherent energies that are now prime for healing and release. A very hopeful thought that with all this energy healing work being done now, a brighter future awaits our children and those who follow behind us.

 “The earth does not belong to us. We belong to the earth. 

 Humankind has not woven the web of life. 

 We are but one thread within it. 

 Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. 

 All things are bound together.

 All things connect.

 We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors;

 We borrow it from our children” 

― Chief Seattle

Many are noticing these 'shifts' as the energy of the universe is lined up now more than ever before to help us manifest our highest intentions - so be mindful of your thoughts for energy follows thought and thought follows intention. Our thoughts are our prayers, we are what we think. Offer gratitude for all things each day, several times a day. Act as if it's already happened; in doing so, we wake up this powerful medicine that resides deep inside, and is the simple key to manifest our healing intentions.  


 Whether you are looking for stress reduction techniques, wishing to break out of old habits or patterns or trying to heal old wounds (be they physical, emotional or mental), this type of energy healing is a non-invasive way to start you on a path of renewed health and restored balance.  

Perhaps you are hearing the call to awaken your own healing medicine, please be encouraged for anyone can learn. This ability lies inherent within each and every one of us. By learning to do Reiki yourself, you open a door to a whole new world of divine possibility.  

Once we "acknowledge" the possibilities, we can 'access that knowledge'.

As we honor and embrace these practices of olde, we acknowledge their effective healing medicines which are in great need today.  My practice is based on this ancient level of energy healing medicine as it not only honors my teachers and ancestors but Reiki's shamanic roots as well.

We all possess this natural ability to heal ourselves - all you have to do is trust your life force and let it guide you. When we set our intentions toward healing, there truly are no limits as to what we can accomplish on our paths to becoming healthier and happier human beings. You owe it to yourself to be happy; don’t postpone your health and joy!!  

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